
Malaysian Auto Parts Makers Visit Hemaraj’s Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong)


In the picture: Mr. Vivat Jiratikarnsakul (front row center), Executive Vice President of Hemaraj Land And Development Plc, welcomes Dato’ Kalsom Adbul Rahman (front row 5th left), Chairman of Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation of Malaysia, Mr.Khoo Boo Seng (front row, 4th from right), Economic Counsellor of the Malaysian Trade Office, Embassy of Malaysia, and the Malaysian auto parts manufacturers to the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong).

A delegation of auto parts makers from Malaysia recently visited Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong), developed by Hemaraj Land And Development Plc. to explore business opportunities and gain technical know-how.

Led by Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC) Chairman Dato’ Kalsom Abdul Rahman, the delegation visited the factory of Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd. at the industrial estate to better understand the procedures in the manufacture of auto parts and components. The delegates also visited Saint Gobain Sekurit (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Somboon Advance Technology Plc.