
Hemaraj started Q1’2013 with Industrial Estate Land Sales of 421 rai, in line with the Target.

Bangkok, 5 April 2013 – Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited announced the Industrial Estate Sales (includes some rental) of Q1’2013 being 421 rai (168 acres or 67 hectares), with 24 contracts, 12 new customers and 12 project expansions from existing customers, of which more than 37% are Japanese and more than 29% are Automotive.

In Q1’2013, Ready Built Factories rental grew to 263,839 square meters, an increase by 28,030 square meters or 12% from the Year 2012 cumulative balance. Hemaraj Logistics Parks rental also increased by 11,888 square meters. It is noted that both Ready Build Factories and Logistics Parks have additional pre-leased area of 15,163 square meters and 21,926 square meters, respectively.

Industrial Estate Utilities Demand increased by 11% from Quarter 1 of the prior year.

David Nardone; President and CEO of Hemaraj And Development, noted “Hemaraj started 2013 with a solid industrial estate land sales of 421 rai, slightly ahead of our 2013 land sales budget of 1,600 rai. Thailand continues to be attractive for relocation, consolidation, and growth due to reasonable costs, currency, infrastructure, and market access. In Q1’2013, Mazda Powertrain Manufacturing (Thailand) purchased 131 rai at Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong), being a Baht 15 billion strategic automotive investment. This is consistent with higher automotive value and auto clustering integration. We see this continuing trend.

Gheco-One, a 660 MW IPP with Hemaraj 35% shareholding, though operating since August 2012, has a two month schedule maintenance shut down in Q2’2013. Thus, our expectation for 2013 performance is lower than the normal run rate. However, our first 126 MW SPP power project with Gulf JP has projected commercial operation in May of 2013.

Our Ready Built Factories and Hemaraj Logistics Parks with 4 initial projects helped us expand our rental base by 39,918 square meters in Q1’2013. That makes our total area under rental now being almost 300,000 square meters.

We still project the 2013 Ready Built Factories and Logistics Parks rental will increase by 120,000 square meters, and 100,000 square meters respectively, for the year.