
Control Cable Alarm System

Implementing Control Cable Alarm system, as stated in the Innovation Management chapter, is one of the initiatives that could help reduce air pollution. Installation of CCTVs with motion detecting function at the wastewater pumping stations can eliminate the need for employees to conduct on-site monitoring that required fuel usage for travelling processes. Before the system was introduced, there were two cars conducting such on-site monitoring for every 2 hours within 24 hours' period. With this automated and effective monitoring system, such travelling requirements were eliminated, thus, reduced air pollutions from fuel combustion. In 2021, WHA additionally installed 60-point Control Cable Alarm system around the ready built factories in ESIE and WHA ESIE1. As a result, WHA Group is able to control air quality within industrial estates and surrounding areas to meet the requirements and standards specified in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and also able to reduce approximately 23.9 tCO2e of direct GHG (Scope 1) per year after the system was introduced.