
Hemaraj Offers 10-Year Debentures With Interest Rate Up To 5.75%

Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited has issued 10-year debentures with attractive interest rate up to 5.75% p.a., creating alternative investment for investors during interest rate decline. Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited has been assigned as lead underwriter. Subscription period is 28-30 April, 2014.

The company has appointed Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited as lead underwriter of the unsubordinated, unsecured and callable debentures worth a total of Bt 2,500 million to be offered to institutional and high-net- worth investors. Subscription period will take place between 28-30 April, 2014 at Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited.

Mr. David Nardone, President & CEO of Hemaraj Land And Development Plc., said, “ Due to overwhelming interest, Hemaraj is continuing our long term funding program with fixed interest predictable bonds to institutional and high-net-worth investors. As a result, after getting approval of The Securities and Exchange Commission; the company has reciprocated by launching 10-year call option debentures with interest rate of 5.75% p.a. payable every 3 month. The call option by the company can be exercised after the five years from the date of issuance.

Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited is rated “A-” / “Positive Outlook” by TRIS Rating Corporation Limited.

Dr. Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Plus Securities Plc., as lead underwriter, said, “Debentures issued by Hemaraj Land And Development Plc. is another best alternative for institutional investors and co-operatives in low interest rate circumstance.

The distribution of bonds in this regard has been achieved as expected both in terms of bond issuer and investors. The fact that Hemaraj has been known by investors as its top position in industrial estate development since the company aims the number one market share in Thailand, couple with well diversified revenue and excellent financial status as rated A- /”Positive Outlook” by TRIS, helps make the debentures one of the most promising investment alternatives which gives higher return than current bank saving interest rates.”

The funding will benefit the company in terms of short-term debt replacement, investment planning and cash flow maintenance.

For more information about the debenture subscription, please contact Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited at tel. 02-680-1474, 02-680-4037.