
DaikyoNishikawa (Thailand) Grand Opening at Hemaraj’s Industrial Estate


DaikyoNishikawa (Thailand) Co., Ltd., one of the largest plastics manufacturers in Japan recently organized a Grand Opening Ceremony of its factory located on a 25 rai piece of land in Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate of Hemaraj Land And Development Plc. The factory will produce automotive plastic parts including bumpers for supply to Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd. at a capacity of 70,000 sets per year.

Executives presiding over the Grand Opening are (from left) Mr. Kiyotaka Shobuda, President of Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Mr. Toshiro Shohara, Senior Managing Director of DaikyoNishikawa Corporation, Mr. Shigeharu Shinoda, President of DaikyoNishikawa (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Mr. Akira Kitabayashi, Chairman of the Board of DaikyoNishikawa Corporation, and Mr. Ko Suetsugu, Manager of The Hiroshima Bank Ltd.