
Update on LLIT (Thailand)

Subsequent to the fire at LLIT (Thailand), a radial tire manufacturer, located in Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate. We would like to brief the situation as follows:

On Sunday 1st February 2015 at 19:20, there was a fire in one of the warehouses storing finished tires in LLIT. First Hemaraj Fire Fighting team responded to the plant within 10 minutes to curb the fire followed by other Hemaraj teams and various local authorities. There were almost 20 fire trucks collaborating to control the fire and it took 4 hours to control the situation within 23:30. Due to strong wind and incendiary materials, there were 6 warehouses burning down. The cause of fire is under investigation by police. Neither casualties nor injuries found from the case. There was no damage to the production process of LLIT. However, Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has suspended LLIT production for 30 days for fire investigation and his remedy.

There was no damage to any infrastructures and utilities of Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (HESIE) and Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (ESIE). Electricity system, natural gas pipeline and all utilities were intact and are running normally.

Referred to Environmental issue, the contaminated water from fire rescue was confined inside the retention pond inside LLIT and will be delivered out to treat by 3rd party. No leachate was drained to water system and communities. Air quality is another crucial thing to concern after such fire. Certainly, there was smoke and raised level of air emissions during the fire and disturbance of neighbors. IEAT has sent the mobile Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) from Map Ta Phut to the impacted area since 2 AM on Feb 2, 2015 so as to monitor air pollution in the surrounding area, if any. Nowadays, it has been located to Wat Sri Pum Po, further south west downwind to LLIT, to continuously monitor air quality in which its results are under closely monitored by IEAT. In addition, we have been monitoring gas and VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) by Mobile Gas Detector at each surrounding communities to ensure the right health prevention. Other than those 2 mentioned immediate actions, we have hired ALS, an environment consultant, to install 2 units of Air Monitoring Station to do 24 hour monitor at 2 communities south-west of LLIT during the next 7 days from now so as to ensure no unexpected hazardous substances remains.

All solid wastes from the residue of burning tires and debris are still keeping in the LLIT and it shall be strictly supervised and handling according to proper and legitimate disposal method.

Although no severe case of sickness or disturbances found, Hemaraj, IEAT and LLIT are now visiting various communities to ensure minimal or no environmental impact to our customers and community nearby.

From air quality test conducted during February 2-3 by IEAT at 3 km south west of LLIT finding that all general parameters and VOC are complied to the air emission standards

We will closely work with IEAT and other authorities till this issue solve. We will keep all updated the progress. If any concerns or questions, please contact us further.

Tanin Subboonrueng
Vice President
Hemaraj Land And Development Plc.