
Hemaraj Offers 3 and 5-Year DebenturesWith Interest Rates Up To 6.50%

Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited has announced issuance of 3 and 5-year debentures, expecting to be an attractive investment for investors with the interest rates of 5-year debentures stepped up from 4.90% to 6.50% p.a.

The company has appointed Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited as arranger and underwriter of the unsubordinated and unsecured debentures worth a total of Bt 1,650 million to be offered to institutional and major investors. Subscription period will take place between 24-25 May, 2010 at Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited.

Mr. David Nardone, President & CEO of Hemaraj Land And Development Plc., said, “The last offering was quite phenomenal with much higher response than expected from institutional and major investors. As a result, after approval of The Securities And Exchange Commission, we decided to launch the second edition in order to meet the interest from investors.”

Out of the total Bt 1,650 million offer, Bt 150 million was allocated to 3-year debentures with interest rate of 4.50% p.a. payable every 3 months and Bt1,500 million to 5-year debentures with interest rates stepped up from 4.90% to 6.50% p.a. (4.90% for 1st – 3rd year, 5.80% for 4th year and 6.50% for 5th year) payable every 3 months.

Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited is rated “A-” by TRIS Corporation Limited.

Dr. Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Plus Securities Plc., as the arranger and underwriter, said, “A recent survey on investment demand among institutional investors and cooperatives showed that both categories of the debenture received a very positive feedback. A number of bonds has been added twice before the issuance as the issuer and investors expressed their high optimism. The fact that Hemaraj has been known among investors for its top position in Industrial Estate development, coupled with its excellent financial status as rated A- by TRIS, helps make the debentures one of the most promising investment alternatives which gives higher interest rates than today’s bank saving accounts.”

The funding will benefit the company’s short-term debt replacement, investment plan and maintain cash flow.

For more information about the debenture subscription, please contact Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited at tel. 02-680-4022, 02-680-4037.


About Hemaraj
Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited is Thailand’s leading developer of Industrial Estates, Utilities, and Property Customer Solutions. The company develops and manages six industrial estates covering a total area of 31,300 rai or 13,000 acres with automotive, petrochemical and other clusters comprising 411 distinct customers, 140 automotive customers, 611 factory contracts, and customer investment estimate of USD 18 billion generating more than 53,000 jobs
