
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Completes Factory Construction in Hemaraj ESIE


MGC Electrotechno (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer of electronic materials, copper clad laminates and prepregs, recently celebrated the completion of its new production facility in Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate. Constructed as part of parent company Mitsubishi Gas Chemical’s business continuity plan (BCP) for market expansion into Southeast Asia, the new plant will commence commercial operations toward the end of 2013 with a capacity of 250,000 m2 copper clad laminates per month.

Shown in photo: Mr. Hideki Odaka (4th from left, seated) Chairman of Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company Inc., Mr. Kazuo Sakai (4th from right, seated), President Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company Inc., Mr. Chiharu Kubota (center, seated) President of MGC Electrotechno (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Mr. Yuh Miyauchi (3rd from right, seated), President of MGC Electrotechno Co., Ltd., Mr. Vivat Jiratikarnsakul (far left, seat), Hemaraj’s Executive Vice President, MGC’s executives and honorable guests attended the ceremony and posed for the group picture.