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PM vows “ Thailand is to gear for the future and fully support investment”


The Thai PM praised foreign investors as good friends to the Thai economy and pledged that Thailand is ready to fully support new and existing investments. The government is currently in full gear seeking solutions for warding off major obstacles to doing business in Thailand . Thai authority welcomes opinions and suggestions from the business sector with the aim of strengthening the country and attracting foreign investment.  

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva revealed in “The Prime Minister Meets Investors” event organised by the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) that the government has always placed high importance on investors and realised that foreign investors are good friends to Thailand . The government pledges to support investors and to respond to their needs. It welcomes advice from investors to make the country a highly attractive one for investment. Over one thousand Thai and foreign business leaders as well as representatives from diplomatic corps, business organizations and the press attended the event.  

The PM also affirmed that Thailand possesses strong economic fundamentals. The country is moving forward in strengthening its competitive edge, and he expressed confidence that problems and obstacles to doing business in Thailand such as the Map Ta Phut issue will be resolved.  

Mr. Vejjajiva added that Thailand continues to have several advantages as an investment destination. The value of foreign investment projects submitted to the BOI during the first five months of the year has doubled. This increase reflects the recovery of the global economy and continued investor confidence in Thailand.  

The PM has assigned the BOI to seek investment promotion measures to support creative industries to align with the government’s creative economy policy. Moreover, a stronger focus will be placed on investment for sustainable development, human resource development and science and technology development in a move to shift Thailand towards the knowledge-based economy. The BOI has also established the One Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS), which consolidates staff from 21 government agencies, to provide investors with a comprehensive range of investment-related services.  

Mr. Chaiwuti Bunnawat, Industry Minister, believed that the seminar will help restore investors’ confidence in Thailand ’s investment potential. The Ministry of Industry also assigned the BOI to step up efforts to further rebuild investors’ confidence and to come up with new investment promotion measures.  

Mr. Bunnawat also added that the appointment of Mr. Yoshihisa Kainuma, Representative Director, President and CEO of Minebea Co., Ltd. as the BOI’s Honorary Investment Advisor (HIA) would help promote Thailand ’s image as an investment destination. As an experienced business leader knowledgeable in international business and investment in Thailand , Mr. Kainuma would also provide useful advice and suggestions in developing strategies to attract Japanese investment to Thailand . Earlier, six business leaders from leading multinational corporations had been appointed as Honorary Investment Advisors.  
