Safeguarding the Environment
From day one, it has been WHA’s policy and focus to ensure that industrial estates, communities and nature co-exist in a harmonious and sustainable manner. This starts with understanding the environmental effects of different industries. Then, by setting core clusters for each industrial estate, this allows WHA to lay out and to manage the matching infrastructure and utilities smoothly. Our intention is to keep our infrastructure, water treatment and wastewater systems well maintained to ensure minimum environmental impact.
Once plants are operating, through the cooperation of our customers, IEAT and WHA monitor the environmental parameters of all factories to safeguard the green process.
IEAT and WHA ID monitor the environmental parameters of all factories to
safeguarding the green process.

Waste Management
WHA has chosen modern sanitary landfill, a more environment-friendly method for waste management. Waste Management Siam, a world-class professional in the field is located at WHA Chonburi Industrial Estate to provide services to our customers and factories on the Eastern Seaboard.
Wastewater Management and Constructed Wetland
Wastewater treatment is another area in which WHA is a recognized leader. Both aerated lagoon and wetland systems are available to service customers.
An aerated lagoon system uses limited motors to deliver oxygen from the air into the wastewater, while our wetland systems involve the use of plants and bacteria to treat wastewater.
Based on King Rama IX's wetland project, WHA has adapted the know-how to suit our requirements. The company takes pride in having adopted the wetland system, as it is environmental-friendly and reduces energy consumption. The treated wastewater is clean enough to be recycled by factories for gardening purposes.
Environmental Watch System
Established in 2009, the Environmental Monitoring & Control Center at ESIE (E:MC2) is Thailand’s first environmental real-time monitoring unit in a private sector industrial estate. The center aims for real-time processing of environmental reports, with highly reliable and accountable methodology and a transparent policy. This involves real-time measurement of water quality, reports on air emission and noise, a more efficient tracking system for authorities supervising factories, and multiple channels for environmental complaints and feedback.
Eco Industrial Estate
Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate was chosen as one of the five ECO IE Pilot estates with best practice for water resource management in 2003.
In 2010, WHA was honored to have Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong) selected by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand to serve as the pioneer private industrial estate for demonstrating superior environmental management practices. Implementation is now under way.
With a continuous commitment to stakeholders and environmental care, WHA's industrial estates have received the Best Environmental Management EIA Award from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, ISO 14001 and 9001:2000 certified and is awarded as "Excellent" in corporate governance recognition level in Corporate Governance Report of Thai listed Companies in 2009 (CGR) from Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) in 2009.
- AMCHAM CSR 2018 (Excellence Gold Level 9 Years Recognition Award)
- EIA Monitoring Awards
- Eco Industrial Town Award
- WHA Group Receives 2017 Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Award
- WHA Corporation PCL Named Thailand TOP Company Awards 2017
- AMCHAM CSR 2017 (Excellence Gold Level 8 Years Recognition Award)
- AMCHAM CSR 2016 (Gold Level 7 Years Recognition and Creative Partnership Designation Award)
- WHA received the Frost & Sullivan Thailand Excellence Award, in the "Warehouse Development Company" Category
- Group CEO of WHA Receives APEA Woman of the Year Award 2016
- WHA Group CEO Wins Quality Person of the Year 2016 Award
- WHA Group Among Asia's Most Trusted Brand 2016
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- AMCHAM CSR 2015 (Gold Level 6 Years Recognition and Creative Partnership Designation Award)
- TMA-SASIN Management Excellence Award
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- EIA Monitoring Awards
- CSR Recognition 2014 Award (SET)
- AMCHAM CSR 2014 (Gold Level 5 Years Recognition)
- "Excellent" Award in Corporate Governance Recognition of Thai Listed Companies
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- AMCHAM CSR 2013 (Silver Level 4 Years Recognition)
- CSRI Recognition Award, SET
- "Excellent" Award in Corporate Governance Recognition of Thai Listed Companies
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- EIA Monitoring Awards
- AMCHAM CSR 2012 (Silver Level 3 Years Recognition)
- Drug-Free Industrial Estates Certificate
- "Excellent" Award in Corporate Governance Recognition of Thai Listed Companies
- AMCHAM CSR Excellence Recognition
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- EIA Monitoring Awards
- "Excellent" Award in Corporate Governance Recognition of Thai Listed Companies
- Austcham Best Services Company Awards
- AMCHAM CSR Excellence Recognition
- CSR-DIW Awards by Department of Industrial Works
- "Excellent" Award in Corporate Governance Recognition of Thai Listed Companies
- Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies
- CNBC Asia Pacific Property Awards 2008
- ISO 9001: 2008
- ISO 14001