Company News

Hemaraj Assisting in Restoring Industrial Base in Thailand

Hemaraj’s industrial estates with five locations in the Eastern Seaboard and one location in Saraburi province are not affected from the floods.

Mr. David Nardone, President and CEO of Hemaraj Land And Development Public Company Limited noted “While we had no disruption at any of our six industrial estates, Hemaraj is reaching out to our developer friends. Through the Industrial Estate Association, we are providing technical assistance as well as assisting in proposals for industry and developers to have no limits in the importation of new or used equipment, government assistance for some portion of succession pay, soft loans for industry and developers, and assistance for developers with infrastructure rebuilding."

At Hemaraj, we are assisting in every way possible by providing lay down space in Saraburi and Chonburi for equipment for manufacturers impacted from floods in other areas. We are trying our best to provide short term rentals now being exhausted, and providing further assistance through the Industrial Estate Association.